My Family

In an effort to maintain some level of anonymity, I will refer to my husband as DH (Dear Husband) and my daughters as Noodle (3) and Bean (< 1).

DH - We have been together for nearly 14 years and married for 6 years. Since I don't share our ages, you won't be able to figure out how young we were when we started "going out." (What were our parents thinking?) I have been with this incredible man for a good chunk of my life. We share many commonalities, but our personalities are different. He is introverted most of the time and enjoys math and numbers. And well, I can't remember how to do long division so there you go! I enjoy reading and writing (isn't that what every blogger would say?). But, when it comes to raising our children we share the same values, which I am very thankful for. DH has an 8-5 job but is gone a couple evenings each week for various commitments. Overall, we have a pretty typical marriage, and I am very grateful that he is able and willing to play a major role in raising our children.

Noodle - She is our oldest and carries just about every characteristic the oldest girl would have - caring, affectionate, sassy, bossy, talkative - and the list goes on! She is the coolest preschooler we know and she enjoys most everything about life. She especially loves books and her vegetables (I guess we are doing something right!). Since Bean joined our family, Noodle has been enamored with her.

Bean -She is our youngest and our sunshine. She lights up a room with her smile. She is still an infant but well on her way to toddler! She adores her Big Sis very much!

Sami - I answer to many things... "Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma, Mum, Mummy." (This is a reference to The Family Guy - DH will be proud!) I would like to consider myself the CEO of our household, but that means I must take responsibility for all that happens under this roof, and I would rather not since some crazy things take place. I will stick with Domestic Diva or Domestic Goddess. I love my family, faith and I try to enjoy the smallest things in life as I know it all can change in a heartbeat. I hold my bachelor's and master's degrees. I guess you could say I am educated, which I don't take for granted since many in this country and world do not have educational opportunities. My hopes and wishes for my family are pretty simple - strong faith in God, good health and personal happiness, which I believe can be achieved through faith, love and education. Most importantly, I love motherhood.