Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter and the Sand Dollar

A few weeks ago on our weekly venture to our local public library, Noodle and I checked out Easter books. She chose a couple about Easter eggs and bunnies, and I chose one more pertinent to the holiday, The Legend of the Sand Dollar: An Inspirational Story of Hope for Easter by Chris Auer. The book is a little over Noodle's head, but I really enjoyed it and have read it several times on my own.

The book is about the symbolism between the sand dollar and Christ's life and resurrection. The main character, Kerry, learns of this legend from her cousin, Jack, while visiting the beach. At the end of the book, the author includes a poem illustrating the symbolism:

There's a pretty little legend
That I would like to tell
Of the birth and death of Jesus
Found in this lowly shell.

If you examine closely,
You'll see that you find here
Four nail holes and a fifth one
Made by a Roman's spear.

On one side: the Easter lily.
Its center is the star
That appeared unto the shepherds
And led them from afar.

The Christmas poinsettia 
Etched on the other side
Reminds us of his birthday,
Our happy Christmastide.

Now break the center open,
And here you will release
The five doves awaiting
To spread good will and peace.

This simple little symbol
Christ left for you and me
To help us spread his gospel
Through all eternity.
~Author Unknown

I don't think I will ever look at a sand dollar the same way again. I thought this was a touching book that represents the life and death of Jesus Christ. This poem reminds me the reason we celebrate Easter.

Happy Easter to you and yours!


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