Monday, April 19, 2010

My New Back Seat Driver

In the last two weeks, I taught Noodle the basics of driving as it relates to traffic lights. Although I think she knew some of this prior to our recent car conversations, she now can correctly identify the proper traffic signal with the traffic light color - green means "go," red means "stop" and yellow (she likes to call it orange) means "slow down."

In the last week, she has taken every opportunity when we are in the car to tell me what to do at the traffic lights. Without knowing, the other drivers on the road probably appreciate her astute knowledge because she has caught me sitting at a green light a few times. Go Mommy! She yells from her car seat. Green means go! She says with such conviction.

When strolling along the sidewalk, she knows to look for the white pedestrian signal before safely crossing the busy street. While adjusting Bean in the stroller, I briefly missed the light change. Noodle taps my hand, Mommy, look! She points to the traffic light. White means we can walk! She was so proud of herself!

Later that morning, when we got in the car and she started to recite the traffic signals to me (for the tenth time), I started to think about how life really comes full circle. One day Noodle and Bean will probably know more than me about a lot of things. But, right now it's up to my husband and me to teach them about the world. The small things and the big stuff. It's difficult to think of the day they won't need for me to make them their meals, tie their shoes, teach them the alphabet, and even more mind-boggling, I won't know where they are every moment of the day. At some point they will drive themselves places and make their own decision on where to go and what to do. (This actually scares me tremendously.)  Some days I catch myself looking at Bean and thinking that in 3 years she will be doing all the things Noodle does. It's a daily reminder of how they grow and change just as we do as parents.

I have a while before driver's licenses are a reality for our daughters. Right now, I am enjoying and appreciating our light-hearted conversations. Although I can't stop time from passing, I am doing my best to savor these endearing and charming moments as they come...who knew the colors green, red and yellow could be so much fun?!


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