About The MOM

Welcome to The Mark of Motherhood (The MOM)! Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy the topics I share with you each week.

A little about myself...

My family and I live in the Midwest. I have been a mother-in-training (I don't think I'll ever take off my "training wheels") for more than three years. After the birth of my first daughter, I returned to work and functioned fairly well as a full-time working mom. I enjoyed my career a great deal, and I found satisfaction in my professional achievements. However, after the birth of my second daughter, I decided to stay at home with my children. It felt like a natural decision at the time, and I feel fortunate to be in this role for my family.

During my time as a working mom and now as a SAHM, I have always sought out other women and parents who I could relate to through personal experiences or situations. As humans, we look for ways to connect with others. I feel that blogging is one of the best ways to reach out to other moms and women.

As much I will want to share my musings, humor, narratives, opinions, etc. with you, it's important to me that I hear your voice, too. Please send me an e-mail or post a comment so that we may connect. The Mark of Motherhood is just as much mine as yours.

Happy blogging,