Monday, April 5, 2010

The Sugar Aftermath

I love that my daughters are spoiled by our family. It presents DH and I with challenges at times, but they are well worth it. It's just a wonderful feeling. A great sense of security, really. However, when the Easter Bunny visits a few different locations, the amount of candy starts to accumulate... quickly.

Noodle has more candy than any three year old should have. She started eating it early yesterday morning. After finding her basket, she downed a few Tootsie Rolls, then moved to Hershey Kisses, and before we knew it, she started to eat a solid chocolate bunny. It's wasn't yet 8:30 a.m. and she consumed more sugar than we would ever allow in one day.

We forced her to eat two spoonfuls of her oatmeal much to her dismay. After we cleared the breakfast table, she snuck a few more Tootsie Rolls and M&M'S.

Getting ready for church and attending Mass were good distractions, but unfortunately they were temporary. When we got home, she went right back at it. We had to police the baskets and remind her that she couldn't have anymore before Easter dinner.

She didn't eat much lunch. It was time for a nap. We did the usual naptime routine, and for about 15 minutes we thought she was sleeping. We were wrong. She wouldn't go to sleep. She looked me in the eyes and said, "Mommy, I am not sleepy at all." (This is very unusual because I don't think she has ever gone a day without a nap - even if it was a quick 30 mintue catnap.)

So by 1:30 p.m. she had consumed more candy than we could count, hadn't eaten a meal yet and refused to nap. This can't be good, I thought to myself.

My family had more candy for her when we arrived for Easter dinner. Of course, that meant more candy had to be "tried out." Noodle kept reassuring me, "Just one more, Mommy." Yeah, okay. She ate very little dinner and somehow managed to run around outside for 30 minutes and then downed a good amount of Goldfish crackers. By 6:30 p.m., when we were heading home, she had heavy eyelids and she just zoned out the window.

Then she got a burst of energy. As we headed to the bathroom to start her bath water, she insisted that it was nice outside and that she had to ride her tricycle. She fought with me in the bathroom,"You aren't listening to me!" she yelled. "I need to ride my tricycle!" I couldn't help but laugh. She was a mess and exhausted.

While I read her a few books, she could barely keep her eyes open. Less than a minute after we closed the last book, she was falling asleep.

Now, I must decide what to do with all of this candy. For those of you who may be thinking I am exaggerating, here's just a portion of our collection. It's not a good sign when you have several duplicates.

To get the full effect, sing this to "The Twelve Days of Christmas."

On the 5th Day of Easter, my true love gave to me....

5 Cartons of Peeps

4 Reese's Cups

3 Creme Eggs

2 Cotton Tubs

And a partridge in a pear tree And white Pez Easter bunny!

One word... RIDICULOUS!

Did you have a sugar-filled Easter, too?


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