Friday, March 19, 2010

Night Owl Mom + Rooster Daughters = Rough Mornings

My daughters wake up early every morning. I know it's not good to use absolutes, but in Noodle's 3 years of life, I can think of only one time she slept past 8:00 a.m. (You get my point.)

Bean is under a year old so maybe she will surprise me and sleep in later as she gets older. (Doubt it.)

Noodle wakes up anytime between 5:45 and 6:30 a.m. ready to seize the day. She is always smiling and now has learned to hand DH and me our eyeglasses so we can see her clearly and share in her morning joy. She is ready for breakfast as soon as she wakes up - she literally drags us out of bed. (Pathetic, I know.)

Never would have thought MY children would be roosters! I am most productive at night. I love to stay up late to finish a good book or surf the Internet. In college, I pulled all-nighters more than I should have. Growing up, I always slept in late. I attended afternoon kindergarten for this very reason, and frequently missed Saturday morning cartoons. (At some point I will have to explain to my kids that Nick Jr. didn't exist when I was young.)  DH on the other hand is a "morning person" but even he can't get over this phenomenon.

I have tried everything to help the situation.

We have maintained the same bedtime and nightly routine since she was about 6 months old. (Bath, books and lullabies.)

We tried putting Noodle to bed later in hopes that she will sleep in later. Didn't work. She still got up at the same time and was cranky and tired the next day. (Backfired miserably.)

I read books that told me to put her to bed earlier because she may actually be overtired, which would explain the early rising. Didn't work. She woke up even earlier those mornings.

So, I have come to the conclusion that my daughters are roosters - plain and simple. They love to get up early and start the day off with a bang!

I, on the other hand, struggle every morning.

But, I am very thankful for coffee.


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